Okay, I know I'm doing it wrong. The books I chose might tell me something about the writing style in my birth year, but nothing about that period itself, since they're all set in the past, one of them in the 17th century and the other two in the 1920s - 1930s. But to me, the main thing is to enjoy the book and that I did, even though I didn't like the protagonist of one and the translation of another. (Although as far as writing style goes, I can only say thumbs up!)
I also intended to read more than three books but I got distracted, of course, and when I couldn't find Dan Simmons' Carrion Comfort in the library or in the big bookshop I usually go to, I went and bought another Dan Simmons novel instead. And then I had to read other books for school and... See, it's not my fault!
Still. 'Twas fun and thanks to all that participated over at Hotchpot Cafe, I got to see all sorts of great books from other years.
Oh, and the original post is here. That's how it's done, right?
Broken Age (2014)
před 11 lety
As long as you enjoyed the books, that's the main thing. Thanks for participating and congratulations on finishing!